TheSMMExpert as the provider has a strict commitment to your privacy. We provide these Privacy Policy descriptions to show you how we use the general and personal information you’ll provide through this site. These include names, addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, etc. Clients are obliged to review this Privacy Policy and we may change it without notification.
General Information
The SMM Expert protects your credentials when it comes to the private and financial data you’ve provided. It’s because you need to register an account and log in to make actual transactions. We won’t share your private information and credit card information with any third party. The SMM Expert only uses them for transactions through this site. However, we are not responsible for any public information provided when blogging or commenting on or via this site. Users should provide valid and accurate data when registering on the site.
Exceptions Points of Privacy Policy
Our Privacy Policy has exceptions due to very specific conditions or circumstances. A formal request for governmental officials, legal actions & pending legal actions, and any legal matters are included in the specific circumstances. These also include your private information subpoenas or attorney who seek it for any relevant and/or actual legal matters. We may also share information with our attorneys whenever it comes to disputes related to the transactions or activities on this site.
The SMM Expert site may require the use of cookies for these purposes
- Creating user accounts
- Supporting site functionality
- Developing tools and services
- Diagnostic purposes(e-mail and IP address)
We use cookies to improve the user experience of the site and it’s majorly related to any basic functions so you can use our site properly.
Cookies we use won’t reveal your private or personal information and you can actually turn your cookies off. It’s your right to refuse cookies employment but you may experience some limits or reduced performance on the SMM Expert site. For a turn-off guide and further information, please call our 24/7 service.
We use cookies to record and track visitors TheSMMExpert site includes how many times to visit, what pages to navigate, what activities to do on-site, searching/browsing activities, and so forth. We use them to improve and provide relevant services to the clients. We don’t share any of this information with any third parties.
You can read more about Cookies
The SMM Expert is committed to protecting clients from any type of privacy violations. Our site and its services are all encrypted and use advanced SSL tech for better security. We protect clients from any unauthorized access from any parties. The SMM Expert also has contracts with the employees to meet these security obligations.
Data Collection
Despite the information mentioned above, we may also collect general tracking data. These include when you complete particular forms, surveys, registration information, inquiries, and other activities on the site. Any pages visited by users are also subjects to our data collection. If you have other concerns about data collections or Privacy Policy in general, please contact our customer support.
You can also read our Terms And Services